Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Moving In

ok, well if you didn't read Mia's blog post about us boarding at FYISA, let me recap. our mom called Meline a couple weeks ago and told her that she wanted us all to start boarding at my school, Follow Your Inner Star Academy. all of us, Josefina, Amanda, Felicity and Lanie along with me and Mia. let's just say the weren't very happy about it. anyway, they agreed to go only if they were all together in a room, so the four of them got a 4 person room. Mia put in a room request and I remembered that Meghan had an extra bed in her room after her roommate switched schools over Christmas break, and decided to room with her.well, we moved in Sunday, and it isn't all that bad. i also realized i forgot to tell you about our choir competition Sunday.well, we didnt' do so good. Kade had a sore throat and couldn't come,so I had to do our duet with a boy named Jackson. unfortunatly, he didn't know song well enough, and combined with some other things, we placed 8th of 10. it obvously wasn't so good. we arn't sure when our next one is yet, but when we do, I will be sure to tell you

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your new school Brooklyn. I hope everything goes okay!
    ~ Kylie ~


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