Monday, January 3, 2011

poor Lanie!

hey guys, Lanie has had a really bad day, and i feel really bad for her. Lanie just got news today that is is retired. she hadn't realized it and is now really upset. later this afternoon, she got a phone call, this is what i heard

"I will have to think about it, thank you"

at this point, she was holding back tears that came spilling out as soon as she hung up.
"what's wrong?" all of us girls asked
sniffle "m-my family d-d-died"

"What happened?!"

"they were in a c-c-car crash"

"Lanie! that's horrable!"
"oh, Lanie i am sooo sorry for you!"
"they said i have a choice, i can go and live with my aunt Hannah, or i can be adopted by you guys. I told them i have to think about it. they also said that my father didn't die on impact, he died this morning, and when he knew he was going to go, he wrote me a letter that should be here in a few days."

then she went up to her bed and sobbed. we let her go, she needed to be alone for a while.

like Lanie said, the letter will be here in a few days, and when she decides what she is doing, i will update you.


P.S. my profile was changed to Dolldiva so that Mia could have a blog and not have to make another account. Dolldiva is Meline. Mia's blog is:

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