Monday, November 8, 2010


Hey! Again, i am sorry for not posting in so long, i have been soo busy with school and friends. Arron, Jake and Kade have kinda joined our group. and Kade and I are bbecoming really good friends, though i haven't told him i have a crush on him yet. honestly, i don't want to make it awkward, and since i don't really want to date, (wayyy to much drama for my taste)being friends is perfectly  fine. Also, a bunch of the boy's joined the Chorus in my school, Kade included! now the Innerstar Acadmey Chorus is Eligable to enter in compititions! our first one is on Saturday. We are Singing "Do a Deer" from the Sound of Music. Mrs. Yati, our director picked that one because of all the diffrent parts for boys and girls.   in other news, Josefina has become punk. she is now making everyone call her Josie, and has taken to wearing punk looking clothes. but at the same time, she still likes going to GGA and doing her Mexican dancing. It is kinda strange, because she also wants to get highlights and a cartlige pircing. (she also want's a nose pircing, but she said she is kinda scared to do that)

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