Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Home, New Family, New Blog

Hi there! My name is Brooklyn Matthews. I decided to start this blog since i have a new family and school, as a place to sort my thoughts as my life is changing so dramatically. you see, my mom died from cancer in April. then then this June, my dad and I were  in a car accident and he died. :'o so i was staying with social services for a while till they found a family willing to adopt me. Just recently, i was adopted by the Stephans family. they have 3 other girls who are also adopted. they are Josefina age 13, Amanda age 13 and Felicity age 11. they also have an exchange student from Boston MA and her name is Lanie (she is 12) I am an up and coming singer, Just after my mom died, I participated in my school's 8th grade talent show and won, singing a song i wrote about my mom. and i am going to be attending a private school called Innnerstar University. It is not an actual university, it is just a very elite school for girls that helps them discover their inner star and letting it shine. well, i think i have rambled on enough for today. so bye!

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