Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lots of Updates!

Hey Guys! sorry i haven't been blogging lately, but with Christmas and our choir competition, i just haven't found the time. first things first. I am over Kade. he and I are still great friends, and that is exactly how it is going to stay. I like being friends with him and i don't really need a boyfriend so yeah. in other news........ we got third place at our Competition! everyone sounded great, it all went off without a hitch and we even did well in the final part where they gave us a song and gave us two hours to do something with it. our song was "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree"  and it turned out really good since we only had two hours to work on it. our next competition is January 23. we are going to work really hard and try to jump up to second. we are keeping the soloists and duets, but we are changing the songs. we haven't picked the songs we are going to use yet because after the competition, Mrs. Yati let us have a fun week and all we sang was Christmas Carols. we will be deciding the songs after we get back from break i will be sure to let you know.
Merry Christmas!!

P.S. Would you guys rather i do my posts as though you are in the moment like many other blogs i read? or do you like the way i do it now? if you wouldn't mind telling me in the comments to "Change" or "Stay" i would really appcerate it

P.P.S. would you please take the poll i have up on your left? Thanks

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you are doing them .. you do a great job with your posts ..



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