Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jelous? of Me?

I can't believe it, but apparently, the real reason Amanda was cold to me was because she was JEALOUS. she was jealous of Meline's time! up until i came, she was the only modern JLY/MAG doll Meline owned, and to add to it, she was the only straight haired doll, with out pin curls, so she felt that with me coming, with my straight hair, and besides the fact of being new, Meline would put aside her and her dreams of becomming an actress, for me, and my dreams of becomming a singer. I told her that Meline would never forget her, she was the first JLY and was bought at an AGP. no girl fogets about the doll she bought at the AGP! after that we realized we could be pretty good friends, and we are going to try and do a music video together. hopefully one that kinda describes our relationship. :D