Monday, January 10, 2011

oh. my. gosh.

I got asked to the Winter Formal!! so did Meghan and Tabitha!! i got asked by a boy named Anthony. he is in my Science and English classes. he is quieter, but seems really nice. Meghan and Tabitha actually got asked out by Arron and Jake!! yep, when they said they had girls in mind, they actually said it to the girls they wanted to go with! now we all have dates. I'm going with Anthony, Meghan is going with Arron, Tabitha is going with Jake, and Kade is going with Alexis. the only person i am worred about is Mia. she said she would think about going stag with us, but since we are no longer going stag, unless she get's a date, she won't go. she says there is a person she wouldn't mind going with, but that he is also the type who would probably have a girlfriend. I told her that you never know, maybe that girlfriend he looks like he should have, is really her in a week! but she dosen't seem to belive me.........


1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congrats Brooklyn! I hope you have a great time. My winter formal is on the 22nd and I'm still getting the nerve to ask a guy. (At my school, for winter formal, girls ask guys.)


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